You can buy shares of the Pabrai Wagons Fund by opening an account on any one of these platforms:
Charles Schwab: The retail class (WAGNX) and institutional class (WGNIX) shares of the Pabrai Wagons Fund are available at Schwab. To invest, select the “Mutual Fund” option under the "Trade" heading in your Schwab account. If you are an RIA whose clearing correspondent firm uses Schwab, please contact Canh Tran ( so that we can assist you in accessing the Fund through your firm, including: Axos Clearing, Cetera, DA Davidson, ETC Brokerage, Goldman Sachs Folio, Fifth Third Bank, Hilltop Securities, Janney Montgomery Scott, Stone X, RW Baird, Stifel, Wedbush Securities.

Fidelity Investments: The retail class (WAGNX) and institutional class (WGNIX) shares of the Pabrai Wagons Fund are available at Fidelity. You can now buy either retail class (
WAGNX) or our institutional share class (
WGNIX) by selecting the “Trade Mutual Funds” option under the “Trade” heading in your Fidelity account.

Charles Schwab: You can buy institutional class shares (WGNIX) of the Pabrai Wagons Fund on Schwab by selecting the “All-In-One Trade Ticket” option under the Trade heading in your Schwab account. Only the Institutional Share Class (WGNIX) has been added to Schwab at this time. We hope the Retail Share Class (WAGNX) will be made available too, but we have no visibility on when that will occur.

Vanguard: The retail class (
WAGNX) and institutional class (
WGNIX) shares of the Pabrai Wagons Fund are available at Vanguard. To invest, select the option to "Trade Non-Vanguard funds via Fund Access" under "Transact."

Interactive Brokers: To buy retail class (WAGNX) or institutional class (WGNIX) shares of the Pabrai Wagons Fund at Interactive Brokers you will need to modify your Trading Permissions to allow for mutual fund trading. Instructions here:
Instructions to Add Mutual Funds to Trading Permissions. 
Pershing: The retail class (WAGNX) and institutional class (WGNIX) of the Pabrai Wagons Fund are both available at Pershing's two mutual fund platforms:
FundCenter and FundVest.

SoFi: The retail class (WAGNX) and institutional class (WGNIX) of the Pabrai Wagons Fund are both available at SoFi. To invest, search for WAGNX or WGNIX under the "Invest" heading in your SoFi account and then click on "Trade."

Direct: You may also invest directly (not via a brokerage) by completing a paper application and mailing it to US Bancorp Fund Services (US Bank), the Fund's Administrator and Transfer Agent. You will then receive monthly statements from US Bank showing the value of your account at the end of each month. This approach is more manual than the online broker route and you won't have an online portal where you can check your account daily. You can find paper applications here: